Guess what we're doing!

Trimming low branches to improve the flight path for Brice's Flying Squirrel
(Brice and Eva were in the house when branches were being trimmed)

Dad was hiding things in the fallen branches for Brice to find

Inspecting Dad's work

Who's available to throw my squirrel?
I am
I am
Oh wait, I khan't throw -
How about my mom!?!
Woo have your pawrents trained soooo furry well - I khould envision SOME saying woo are spoiled -
PeeEssWoo: My word is 'maizin'
Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Me! Well... I don't throw. And I don't really fetch either. But my mom could throw your squirrel and you could chase it and I could run, run, run with you!!!
I cant throw sory. That last photo could be in a gallery, its beautiful. You should frame that for the wall..
Hugs GJ xx
I love the picture of you too. Did you take special lessons to pose this way? My Mom says when she clicks the camera is my cue to turn my head or leave the room.
I can't throw either, but I could help you catch!
sitting sooooo pretty in that last pic!
Oooooh, that last photo is awesome!!! Looks like you have your Dad very well-trained to do what you want. So was Mom ready for some squirrel-tossing?
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Don't know about throwing, but we play a mean game of keep away.
By the way, were you kept inside for your safety or so that you do not run through dad's legs while he is cutting branches? We are told that we are too "helpful."
Now that's what I call a trained dad! I hope he threw your squirrel for a long time after he was done!
Hi, Eva and Brice!
My mom can throw it for you!
Kisses and hugs
Grrrrreat snoopervising! Can we play, too??
Gus and Waldo
That looks like a wonderful flight path.
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Marie R.
Woos, now that's a handsome hunk o'man! good thing your dad trimmed all the branches - so woo can properly exercise to keep in shape!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I am beginning to think you have your mom and dad wrapped around little toes.
Woo! Your dad had to be really tired after all that. Now you can really have "flying squirrel" time. Can't wait to see.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Big job! I can't throw either, but I would LOVE to run for it with you!!! And everybody's right - that last pic is a winner - wow!
Hugs and Love xo
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