Sometimes, like here, I just lay down and then I chow down! Have a great weekend, everypup! Belly Rubs, Tasha
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hey pups and GG, Eva here. The humans have been a combination of really busy and really lazy so we haven't been able to post and comment much lately. Tasha and I will have to use more of the power of the claw so they do a better job. We would do all the posting ourselves, but its all the no thumbs thing and computers that don't have dog-friendly keyboards! Dad has been doing a good job of entertaining us. Here I am waiting for him to throw my bald ball for me again. Yes, I still have the bald ball that I mentioned in this entry,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:37 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Busy Day!

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:19 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Dad is Finally Home!
Hey pups and Girl Girl, Tasha here. I know it is supposed to be Few Words Friday, but I wanted to give you a little report on dad's motorcycle trip around the north shore of Lake Superior. It sure is nice to have dad home! He said he had a really good time. How he could have a good time without Eva and I is hard to believe, but he did. Here is a picture of dad and his friends Jeff and Tom before they left us. The first town they stopped in was Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. This is a pamphlet that dad found at the visitors center just across the boarder.

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:41 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
...and out came the storm shirt
We had a storms tonight. Tasha doesn't care but with my senstive nature, I was really scared. Momma changed our storm routine a little. First we got out my storm shirt but I surprised Momma. After I sat, I lifted my left paw 'cuz she always feeds my leg through that sleeve first. She was so surprised that I remembered. I got extra kisses from her.
After the shirt was on and I had my Rescue Remedy, Momma surprised me by building me a cave in the living room. (just a sheet over the arm of the chair and the end table). Between the 3 items, it wasn't too bad.
And Dad called, he went fishing on some lake and caught a salmon that's bigger that our house!
Belly Rubs,
p.s. No pictures because Dad has the little box.
Note from Tasha: Big whoop. I've known right from left for years.
Eva: but Momma didn't even have to tell me "left"
Tasha: so you made one good guess in 3 years
Eva: stop being mean to me
Tasha: Not my fault that your stupid
Momma: Enough! One more comment and you both get kennel time!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:14 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007
We dream of Pippa
Our poor Pippa thought we didn't love him any more. We do but we were pouting because he has lots of girlfriends. Yes, we know that it is a long distance relationship but we can always hope that one day we'll be at the top of his list. Or closer since Dad works for a German company.
Here is our favorite picture of Pippa. We pretend that he is dreaming of us. (photo used with permission from
We like our boyfriends to be tall, handsome and intelligent. Most of the boy dogs that we have play dates with not very smart or are little dogs.
Belly rubs,
Tasha & Eva
p.s. there is an other dog that brings a twinkle to Eva's eye but don't tell Pippa!
p.p.s. Grandma said that she doesn't want any Moo-Tubes. But she might try the Syn-Flex since it is for people and animals.
p.p.p.s. Yes, we know it is suppose to be "Few Words Friday" but Momma is translating for us. She understands that we just had to post our favorite picture of Pippa.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:02 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Sherman had a good comment about the Moo-Tubes that I didn't know.
"they are a good source of glucosamine chondroitin...which is important for a mature fellow like myself"
Since I am going to be 10 human years later this month and have a little arthritis issue, Momma is going to stop and buy me some tomorrow (to supplement my Syn-Flex). And some curly bully sticks (aka curly q). For those who don't know what they're made of, you do not want to know. It's gross!!!
Which reminds me, Grandma called last night and said she has arthritis in her knee. I wonder if she wants some Moo-Tubes.
Gotta go call Grandma back,
p.s. Can you see the flashing logo for GoodSearch on our sidebar? Some have reported that they can't see it.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:00 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Daddy left us!!!
Daddy left us this morning :-( He went north to Canada. Something about tired of going to Sturgis so he (and our neighbor Jeff) pointed the motorcycles north this year. He did call to tell us that he "forgot" his plastic money card. We think he left it for us to use. What should we buy first!
These toys have "silent squeakers". Each toy contains a replaceable ultrasonic squeaker that emits sound in a range above the hearing range of humans but just right for playful, squeak-happy dogs...... These toys are not for the dog who hasn’t learned not to tear up his toys yet. (guess that eliminates your average Sibe)
What about Windees (Moo Tubes)?
Or do we want Curly Qs?
It's a tough decision. We don't want to abuse the card. But we want new stuff.
We found this. It called Kong TIme-
"KongTime automatically dispenses food-filled Kong toys while you are away. KongTime entertains your dog and gives your dog something to look forward to. Endorsed by The Whole Dog Journal, KongTime is an automatic treat dispenser which can be set to randomly dispense one of 4 treat-filled Kong toys over 4 or 8 hours. Simply fill Kong toys with some goodie (see below) place them in the KongTime dispenser, turn it on, and let KongTime keep your dog entertained and content all day long. "
Sure, that will last all of 15 seconds until Tasha rips it apart.
Let us know what you think we should order. We're open to all suggestions.
Belly Rubs,
Tasha & Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:22 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hey, Hey pups & Girl Girl, Tasha here. Look what came yesterday! MORE MAIL!! Its always VERY exciting to get mail, but this was even more special because it came from Meeshka! It was the stuff that we won during her blogathon for Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue.

Thank you very much, Meeshka! You are one awesome pup! She stayed up and posted every 1/2 hour all night to raise money for pups that are in serious need of help. Momma stayed up with us and kept Meeshka company. Dad was a big wuss and went to sleep. He's lucky that we let him have the shirt!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:10 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
We got mail
We received a lovely note from Steve, Kat and Wilbur yesterday. You may remember that they committed 24 hours of their time to participate in the Blogathon. They were blogging for Adopt a Husky of Dallas.

We won a Magnet with Adopt a Husky on it. We asked Momma to put it on the fridge to remind us that there are dogs that need our help. Not that we really need another reminder. After all, I was a rescue.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:51 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Momma is a traitor
So twice every day, Momma has been going over to the neighbors. And she comes home smelling funny. We're kinda used to this smell.
But this smells like lunch!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:15 PM
Few Words Friday
Hello everypup, Girl Girl and all your humans. Today for Few Words Friday we would like all of you to say a few words and a prayer for the victims of the devastating I-35W bridge collapse here in Minneapolis. Also remember the brave police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and rescue workers who risked their lives in the rescue effort. There were also many brave civilians who helped rescue victims immediately after the collapse. The deaths from this tragedy are small right now, but there are still many cars that are in the water and it is not known how many of the people in them were able to escape. There are approximately 20 to 30 people still missing.
The only positive of this is that traffic was down to two lanes from four in each direction because of road repair. If the whole freeway had been open, who knows how many more victims there would have been.
We would like to thank all of you for your concern for us and our humans. It makes us feel really good to have such a great group of friends. Belly Rubs, Tasha, Eva, Vicky, and Doug.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:41 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Bridge Collapse
For those who know that we live in MN. Neither Doug or I travel across the 35W bridge over the Mississippi in our normal commute. I do work a few miles south of the bridge and some of my co-workers do cross that bridge during their commute. At this time, we are not aware of any of our co-workers or friends being on the bridge at the time of the collapse. This bridge is near downtown and the collapse happened in the middle of rush hour. Currently, there are six confirmed deaths.
Vicky ( aka Momma)
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:23 PM