We received a lovely note from Steve, Kat and Wilbur yesterday. You may remember that they committed 24 hours of their time to participate in the Blogathon. They were blogging for Adopt a Husky of Dallas.

We won a Magnet with Adopt a Husky on it. We asked Momma to put it on the fridge to remind us that there are dogs that need our help. Not that we really need another reminder. After all, I was a rescue.
Belly Rubs,
I can't wait to get my toy I won in the blogathon.....woo woo
-Kelsey Ann
Hi Tasha & Eva!
Good job with the blogathon! My brother & I were rescues too...every pup deserves a loving home. You know what? I think you are right...I went to Pippa's website today & he looks quite handsome....I bet he just might be a flirt! & please tell your mother that you both don't deserve timeout, but deserve lots of kisses & treats! Maybe you should suggest she goes on time out for putting you on time out...then again, maybe not...she's the one that feeds you both, right?
Love & Licks,
I was a rescue too. Only mom didn't get me from an official rescue, she got me from a corn field! I guess that counts since she did rescue me from death by doing that.
We got our blogathon prizes too. They are pretty cool!
Awesome guys. Penny & were both Rescues. It's nice to see other supporting doggies in need.
Oh we got our toy we won in the blogathon. I need to post about it. Steve and Kat and Wilbur are to cool.
Hey roo girls - did you get my email?
Play bows,
Hie Tash and Eva!
Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. You have no idea what it means! Oh, I love the dog community...*woof*
Good package in the mail! I hope you'all are having cool naps on these hot days.
Husky Hugs, MayaMaire
Nice job, gals!
Oh, about the post below - does your mom get to bring the bunny home for dinner (as her payment?)!
Oh, we're glad you got your magnet! We're behind on responding to posts since Ulee came to stay. Mom gave your ball on a rope to the rescue. They have a few dogs in boarding because they don't have enough foster homes, so one of those dogs is getting the toy. They aren't on the website yet. It was going to go with Ulee because she was in boarding, but then Mom and Dad decided to bring her home with them. So we are sharing our toys with her and another one of the huskies in boarding got the ball on a rope!
Steve and Kat
Steve and Kat sure did a good job with their first blogathon!!! What a cool magnet! We got a coaster which is super cool just like your magnet!
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