Hey everypup and Girl Girl, Eva reporting today. Its been raining all weekend here. We have only gotten outside to do our business. Very boring. But on Friday Tasha and I had a very fun day. Mom and dad were both home and we got to run errands with them. Here's Tasha making sure that we are going the right way.

Then dad had to go inside a store to get something and he left us with mom in our DUV (Dog Utility Vehicle). Tasha had to keep a look-out for dad.

We had to stop at a couple of other places that we couldn't go in, but then we went to one of our favorite places. It was the Chuck and Don's pet store! We got to go smell all kinds of good things and there were even two very cute little kitties there! But best of all, look at all the great treats that mom and dad got for us. We must be VERY good girls!

We have already tried a couple of the Moo Tubes. Very yummy indeed!

Look, a bag of treats called Bellyrubs! We just had to have those, since that is how we always sign off on our posts and comments.
The running of errands was just OK, the pet store was really fun, but the best part was yet to come. We got to go to the dog park! This is a very big one with lots of room to romp. Here we are at the gate when we got there. Unfortunately, there weren't any other pups there until we were ready to leave.

Then off we went for a walk around the park. Notice how we stick close together. Well, at least for a little while anyway.

Of course there were many, many wonderful smells to check into at the park.

Look at the great wide open spaces to run around at this park. We just love it!

It also has lots of high grass to run through!

It also has some really nice trails with trees to walk through. Mom and Dad like this park, too.

After all that rompin', I was just exhausted. I stretched out in the back of the DUV and relaxed on the way home.

Both Tasha and I had a really good nap when we got home. Dog parks are the greatest! Hope all our friends had a great weekend! Belly Rubs, Eva.
rain rain go away...
n u did hd a decent shopping there...lotsa yummy treats..
It's been raining lots in Singapore too. Woh your trip to the dog park is great. :)
~ Girl girl
Wow, that looks like a great dog park. I like to run through tall grass, so I bet I would love it!! Also you're new treats look great. Enjoy one for me!!
BellyRubs?! Wow - those must be made JUST for YOU GALS!!! Your very own special treats - cool!
You are so cute running around together... I wish my sister would let me run beside her like that.
What a great lookin' dog park! I would LOVE to go there! It's big and beautiful.
I never knew there were bellyrub treats! I should try them!
Hey what a great day you'all had. So much to do and to get all those yummyies after. Wow! I like your "DUV." That is such a cool name for it.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
that park looks like fun - we love visiting our too. those belly rub treats look really yummy
Wowooo, you girls had a grrrreat day. Guess your daddy felt like he needed to treat you extra special after his trip. And you found special treats made just for you! I'm gonna have to look and see if I can find any treats named "Manykisses". Mom says I don't give kisses, I wash her whole face, heehee. When she lets it get in my reach I do her hair for her, too.
Bama & the RHP
Hi Tasha & Eva!
What a great day! I love running errands! Especially when I get to come inside the store & shop for myself..& the dog park looked fantastic! Rainy days are fun sometimes!
Love & Licks,
Please send me some rain!!! Oh, I must say the photo of you both trying to walk on the trail side by side is adorable!!!
Oh, wow. I love that picture of you two rockin' it hip to hip! Very cool!
Mmmm... Mother Hubbard cookies! We love those!!!
Play bows,
Wow, what a fun time! Watch out for tics though with all that moisture and tall grass! They are icky!
Those treats sure look yummy! You are very lucky to get so many.
Hi, girls.
I don't like rainy days. They are not fun because I can't go out for walkies!
You got delicious treats!!
I am sure you had great time at the park!
Have a nice day
What a wonderful day! Mmmmm....those treats look yummy. We've taste tested some of them and they're mighty good. We love the picture of you both walking side by side.
what a fine time - I would like to come and visit the dog park with you both
I am sure we would have ace fun
Pippa xx
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