So where did I leave off.... I remember. After we left the AO4, we went back to Omaha. (BTW, unlike some other girls, I have never rolled over for Brice the Pest.) Holly's Mom called us and told us that there was a big storm (little s) with 90 mph winds. Good thing that it was done by the time we got to Omaha so that we could go meet my fellow princess Holly.
I'm not sure why all off these girls are falling for him. Maybe it's because they haven't seen him run into Grandma's kitchen cabinets when he forgot to stop.
Saturday morning, we went to see Summi and his Mummi. I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to meet him since he has been having some challenges lately.
I'll continue the story tomorrow and share the things that happened on the way home.
Princess Eva and Brice the dork.
Princess Eva and Brice the dork.
Oh what is with all those girls and falling for Brice? Interesting it is
Glad you made it back safe. It certainly was an exciting trip. Yeah, what's up with Brice? I need him here to swat flies not dogs! All those girls, falling over with Ohhhh Briiiice. How silly.
love & wags,
Isn't that Holly SUCH a huzzy?
And *SIGH* MY Summi is sooooo brave and sooooo nice to let Brice The Handsome Dork Pest get away with one of the paw thwappings!!
That was furry khonsiderate of woo two PRINCESSES not to wear your tiaras given all the work that had to be done!!!
PeeEssWoo: I think you have made all the bloggers in the world get dizzy - evFURRYone has mentioned it to ME!
Everyone has to have a dork sibling. I have Bandit. She's older than me, but she's still a dork. But I love her anyway.
I am happy to hear you made it back safely and it sounds like you have had soooo much fun!
Wooo, we wouldn't want to ever swat Summi the Handsome, we hear tell he is very sweet, and if he swats you back with his swappers, you'd be in trouble.
On the other paw, has anyone told you how handsome Brice is? We hear that all the blogging grrrrls are just swooning all over the place!
Princess Eva, woo make sure woo get all the attention due to woo, don't let him hog it all just cause he's cuwooot.
Mikki & Bama
Brice has pretty good aim with that paw of his - you need to teach him to put it to better use. Like turning on the TV or stealing cookies.
I am sort of afraid to suggest this, but perhaps Brice has some Doofus in him????
Wooos Princess Eva, great shot of the paw-wap to the head. Are you sure Brice isn't at least part Siberian? He must be furry furry charming, the way all these sibettes are falling for him! But that doesn't mean he isn't a dork. Jack is a dork but the girls all love him too.
Good luck with your doofy new brother, gotta love them.
(and a-roo from my doofy brother Jack, too)
I wouldn't be smacking Summi in the face like that - he's big and strong! I'm glad you got to meet him though because he's one cool Mal.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Woo there Eva~
That was sure a whirlywind weekend fur you. I'm glad woo included me on your tour. It was so furry wonderful to meet your beautiful Princessness. I recognized you even without your tiara! That's a crazy little jester you have added to your Princess Court...or is he a "clown" Prince....HAROOO!
Glad you are all home safe and thank you and your bipeds for coming to visit me. Mom said it was really good fur me...whatever that means. Woo sure wow'd everypup along the way. Rumor has it that some of those girl pups think he is handsome...I guess I didn't pay that much attention as I was on the lookout for that crazy Belgiam "paw". Guess I'll just have to take their word for it. Let me know if he gets out of paw fur you....I can smoosh him til he settles down fur ya.
Your pal and humble servant,
Brice is definitely not shy! He really has the ladies swooning too. I can't wait to hear the rest of your story. I hope you're keeping him under control.
What adventures you had this weekend! Woo are so lucky and a new brother too!
Woo woo, KA
Brice is one brave boy. Even though Summi is sweet, I wouldn't want to mess with him.
Your posts are so funny...I am rolling on my back and laughing out loud:) Really, really loud...Bow Wow!
Brice the BOLD! smackdown on the summi! poor summi, he's prolly like: WTF? I AM DA MAN! doesn't this kid KNOW that???
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