So Momma, Dad and I had checked into the hotel in Omaha but they knew there was going to be a challenge. I had my first elevator ride, went through my first revolving door but I do not like to potty while on a leash. Thankfully, they found a dog park close to the hotel.

We left the hotel early Friday morning and went to pick-up Brice in a little town called Fairbury, NE. For almost two hours, I had to deal with this obnoxious boy who kept insisting on sticking his nose where it didn't belong and whacking me on the head with his paws while Momma and Dad talked to his 1st human mom. This is not what I had been expecting when Dad told me that they were getting me a brother.
Finally, we went out to my PUV and I find out that he's coming with us. I thought I was getting a nice brother who obey my every command but instead I'm stuck with this puppy who's bigger than me and thinks that I'm a toy. I'm not sure about this but Dad distracted me by telling me that we were going to meet some of my friends, the one's who inspired Dad to start my blog. The famous AO4.
Dad took millions of photos but I've narrowed it down to some of my favorites
Finally, we went out to my PUV and I find out that he's coming with us. I thought I was getting a nice brother who obey my every command but instead I'm stuck with this puppy who's bigger than me and thinks that I'm a toy. I'm not sure about this but Dad distracted me by telling me that we were going to meet some of my friends, the one's who inspired Dad to start my blog. The famous AO4.
Dad took millions of photos but I've narrowed it down to some of my favorites

We'd like to thank AO4's mom for letting us visit. We had such a great time and if they're ever in Minnesota, please stop by. We'd love to see you again.
The story continues tomorrow when I discuss visiting the one and only Holly and then the following day, we met Summi and his Mummi.
I want to include this video that Dad took as soon as we got home tonight.
Princess Eva and Brice, the pest
P.S. Sorry the whole story is not up yet but Momma and Dad are whining about 1260 miles and 5 visits in just over 2 days. But I know they loved every moment of it.
My mom is dizzy from watching woo two go 'round and 'round!!
Did I say I'm SOOOO jealous?
AND did woo know that Brice the Pest is HANDSOME????
That's what Miss Ammy khan't STOP chattin' 'bout!!!
PeeEssWoo: Summi's mummi told my mom how well all did on Saturday! I khan't wait to see and hear more!
I'm so glad you got to see the Ao4 and us too! I love your zoomies around the yard and table! I was starting to get dizzy!! I'm so happy you had such a great trip!!!
Yeah, thank DOGness you started running the other way around the table so my brain could unwind! It looks like a perfect match. You might need to wear the tiara more to remind Brice who's the princess. You know, as humans say-- start out as you mean to go on blahblahblah
love & wags,
w00f's Eva and Brice, u has had a busy weekend...u got to meet sum pawsome pups...heehee eva, u gots to let brice no u iz da boss...
b safe,
Wow, you two had a whirlwind trip with your pawrents! We are also very jealous that you got to meet our friends the AO4, Holly & Summi! What great visits you had. We have it on very good authority (Ammie) that your new brother, Brice, is quite the looker. You better put him in his place before his head swells too big for his body! Welcome home, and congrats on the newest family member.
G'day you two,
It's a good thing that table was there, 'cause otherwise you would have looked funny running a round and round and round race without anything in the middle!
I'm so jealous you played with my best friend Zimmie. Isn't he the coolest?
I am very sure that Brice will learn who is the boss in your house soon :)
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Well, it looks like a good match! Sounds like Brice will be a bit of a pest (boys!) but that you two are gonna be okay.
That is wonderful news!
Can't wait to see how the visit with Holly et al went, but the A04 of course came through splendidly!
Welcome home, Brice! Welcome home!
Hi Princess Eva and Brice-the-Handsome! We all SO enjoyed meeting you; it was SO nice of your parents to come by to visit!
AND you got to meet Holly and Summi! That's so wonderful! Holly said Dave gave her the message he asked you to - he says "thank woo!"
We put pix up yesterday and will do more today! We had SUCH a nice time meeting you and your parents!
PS: Brice........ you're sooooooooooooo handsome!
You know Flash doesn't like to go potty on a leash either. You two made us tired just watching that video
Wow! What fun. It's great to see the A04 and you! And I love the video of you and Brice playing chase. Chase is a great game! You need to tie different colored flags on your tails though because when you're running so fast, I'm not sure which is Brice and which is the Princess!
Whew! I'm tired just watching you two run...
Welcome home to Brice!
You're home! I'll bet everybuddy is going to sleep well this week after that long journey. Cool video but I'm dizzy.
Hi, Eva!
Glad you had a great trip!
Watching your video looks like you are going to do more exercise than ever!
Kisses and hugs
Brice looks like he likes to have fun. Maybe he will settle down once he realizes YOU are in command!
'Round and 'round they go.....
Soon to land at home to settle down for a nice long wonderful life. Eva, he'll succumb to the Princess soon enough. Your trip around the world looks like so much fun.
Grrrrrrreat job!
Loving Life,
Lady Lola
YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I can't believe you got to meet ALL of the A04! It looks like you are going to have your paws full with that Brice brother of yours. GOOD LUCK!
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