Hello pups, Tasha here. We were tagged by Pippa from Spain to tell seven random things about us.
1. We both like pickles.
2. I have had two lipoma fatty tumor removed from behind my left front leg. If your humans feel a new lump on you, make sure that it gets checked out. Tell your humans to give you a good massage every once in a while to check for lumps that might be a problem. Another good reason to give us some lovin'!! Luckily for me, it was just a fat tumor and not cancerous.
3. Eva still has her toy that came to our house with her when mom & dad adopted her. Its kinda grimy and Little Puppy has a slight injury to his right front leg, but she still plays with it . Here's a picture. 4. Eva burps A LOT! She is NOT very lady-like.
5. I know when its 8:00 p.m. and that means its time to go outside! Daylight savings time goofs me up for a little bit, but I get back on schedule pretty quick.
6. Eva's favorite place to be seems to be between dad's legs, especially when he least expects it.
7. I make sure the kitchen floor is clean at all times! Humans can be sooooo messy!
We noticed that there are a lot of new pups in the DWB world. So we will tag MayaMarie, Suzy & Kate, Satchel, Sasha, Butters, Pugsley, Buster, and Cricket, and Chuckles. Its always good to make new friends! Belly Rubs, Tasha.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Seven Random Things
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Princess Eva and Brice
6:35 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Eva's Ball

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Princess Eva and Brice
3:42 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A MeMe (UsUs)
Hi pups, Tasha and Eva both reporting today! We saw a fun list of questions that a few of you other puppers have done and it looks like a good way to learn a little more about us. We saw that Peanut and Penny from the Dogs of Jackman Avenue have done it, so we thought we would too!
1. Your ages? Tasha: I'll be 10 years old in September. Eva: I turned 3 last December.
2. Your ages when came to live with your people? Tasha: 12 weeks. I was rescued from the Golden Valley Humane Society. Some other family had me then brought me back. Lucky for mom and dad! Eva: I was 8 weeks old when I came to live with mom & dad. I was the runt of the litter and the last one to be adopted.
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? We both have black, leather round collars.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? We love Sheryl and Sunnie ( two of our neighbors) we both get VERY excited when they come to the door!
5. How much do you weigh? Tasha: 72 pounds. I'm down from my high of 83 pounds. Dad says I used to have a badonk-a-donk butt, whatever that is. I still have about 5 pounds to loose according to my vet. Eva: 52 pounds. Even though Tasha and I look like we are the same weight, I'm fluffier than Tasha.
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? Tasha: I chewed on a fire extinguisher and set it off! There was white stuff everywhere! Eva: I chewed up a thing for the TV called a Leap Frog. That was $100 down the drain! And Dad's cell phone. And a bunch of drywall. And a pair of boots that Mom never even got to wear. (See a trend?)
7. Do you like other Dogs? Tasha: I love other dogs unless they try to dominate me. Some have tried, all have failed. Most stop when I give them the evil eye but some need bigger hints. Eva: As you may know, I'm a bit shy. If doggies come to my house I will play with them after a little time. At the dog park, I usually only give other dogs the butt-sniff.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? We both like our neighborpups Dutch, Molly, and Bo. You can see them at this post.
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Tasha: I like all sorts of toys. Check out what I have in stock here. I would have to go with the tennis ball if I had to choose. Eva: I love, love, love my one and only tennis ball! He's bald now (I'll post about him later), but I still love him.
10. Do you like to be brushed? Tasha: Is there anything worse in the whole world? I think not! Eva: I can put up with it for a little while, only because I know there are treats involved when I'm done!
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Tasha & Eva: YES, PLEASE!! We have our own jar of peanut butter and did I just hear the fridge open?
12. Do your people cut your toenails? Tasha: Yes, and it makes me none too happy. Eva: I'm very good about it, and my nails grow REALLY fast. Mom & dad say I don't have nails, but talons!
13. Any formal education? Tasha: None. I'm smart enough that I didn't need school. Dad trained me very well. Eva: I went to puppy kindergarten. I was very timid then, too, and I barely passed the final test.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Tasha: Couch potato. Eva: Definitely Energizer Bunny! (Did someone say BUNNY?!?!)
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Tasha: TashaGirl, Super Scavenger, Under-foot Girl, The Smart One, Your Oldest (when I'm bad and mom and dad are talking to each other), and Natasha Raye. That name comes from a girl that played bass in a band dad worked for years ago. Her name was Latisha Raye. Eva: Little One, Fluffybutt, Pointy-Nosed-Girl, Your Youngest (again when mom and dad are talking to each other), and Velcro Dog cuz I like to be VERY close to my humans most of the time. Collectively we are sometimes called The Dog-Faced-Girls!
16. What is your best trick? Tasha: I can find things. If I'm asked to find daddy, momma, Eva, or some sort of toy, I can usually find it. Eva: I can get my tennis ball out of the hammock Here's a video of me doing it.
17. Do you like kitties? Tasha & Eva: We used to have a kitty that lived with us and we got along very well. It's been a while since then, so we don't know how we would react now.
18. What did you have for breakfast? Our usual grain-free kibble with a little boiled turkey and a dab of plain yogurt. And Tasha gets a little bit of Syn-Flex for her hips.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? If so, what? Tasha: I have gotten a couple of bunnies that had the gall to come into our back yard. Eva: I just chase things.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? Tasha: Just last week for my yearly checkup and vaccinations. The vet said I was in perfect health for a 10 year-old. I have a bit of arthritis in my back hips and have had TPLO surgery on my back right leg two years ago. Here's a picture of me after the dressing was removed from my leg. Dad called me turkey-leg dog. NOT FUNNY, DAD!
How humiliating! A naked leg! Ugly scare.
After the surgery and 6 weeks of dad carrying me up and down the deck stairs to do my business, I was as good as new! Eva: About time you let me answer the question, Tasha! I was to the vet about two weeks ago for the nasty reaction I had to some commercial flea and tick repellent. I got two more baths (OH the HORROR!) and I was soon back to normal.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:18 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Few Words Friday
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:41 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mom has a Bad Day
Hi pups, Eva here. Our poor, poor momma. She really loves her Mustang convertible. We mean REALLY LOVES her car. I even got to go for a ride in it the other day. Well, today she got in an accident. Don't worry, she is a little stiff, but she is OK. She was hit by a big Ford F550 pickup truck that was pulling a trailer. Here's a shot of mom's prized possession.
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Princess Eva and Brice
7:51 PM
Labels: Mom's car
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Our Flea and Tick Stuff

Hope this was helpful to you pups! Even though the stuff smells bad to us, we put up with it cuz it keeps those nasty creepy-crawlers off! Belly Rubs, Tasha.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:02 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bunny Baby!

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Princess Eva and Brice
6:42 PM
Labels: Bunnies
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

Finally we're almost there! There weren't too many pups out at the park. It was a little over 80 degrees, so it was a little hot.

These were the only other doggies out today. Looks like they're having fun!

So many pee-mails, so little time.

Down in the valley waiting for dad. (Again) Just a few shots from along the walk through the park. You can click on any picture if you would like to enlarge it.

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Princess Eva and Brice
6:10 AM
Labels: Father's Day
Friday, June 15, 2007
Few Words Friday (Long version)
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Princess Eva and Brice
3:49 AM
Labels: Few Words Friday
Friday, June 8, 2007
Few Words Friday
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Princess Eva and Brice
3:43 AM
Labels: Few Words Friday
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A Couple of Things

Anyway, last week was a little scary for me. On Monday, May 28 my humans put some flea and tick repellent on me and Tasha. The label said to put some at the base of the neck, the middle of the back, and at the base of the tail. On Tuesday before she left for work, mom said I was acting weird. When dad got home I was carrying my butt low and holding my tail off to the right. Dad was really worried about me so off to the V-E-T we went. I was scared because Tasha didn't come with us. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with me (he checked my anal glands! Not fun for man or beast!). He suggested bathing me to wash off the flea and tick treatment. NOT ANOTHER BATH!! But, yes, it was unavoidable. Dad was also supposed to take my temperature every few hours. HA HA HA!!! Mom was out of town so dad would have had to grow a third arm for that to happen! One to hold under my belly, one to hold my tail, and one to do the dirty deed. DID NOT HAPPEN! Mom did some research about my delicate European Princess skin. After all, I am a Belgian Tervuren, and according to lots of sources, we can be very sensitive to chemicals. When she got home on Thursday, I got ANOTHER bath with Dawn dish washing detergent. I felt better after that and I am now back to my normal energetic and bouncy self! So no more over-the-counter flea and tick stuff for me.
Now I have a question for all you pups. Mom and dad think its time for me to retire my tennis ball. You might remember from this post that I play with only one ball. Here is a picture of my ball shortly after dad dug it out of the ice this spring.

This is what my ball looked like before Maggie got to it.

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Princess Eva and Brice
6:19 PM
Labels: Eva's ball