It's been either raining or hot, so we didn't get to the park today but did a short loop around the park yesterday. I have such a thick coat that the temperature and humidity determines whether we get to the park or not.
Unfortunately my coat resulted in lots of this.
See the fur flying? It was everywhere and they're still not done.
They used one torture instrument to get the bulk out and then Momma needs to go over me again with the fancy brush. And I had to submit to getting my nails done. It always surprises Momma that I let her Dremel my nails since I'm usually scared of anything that makes noise.
(Yes, Brice is in the foreground trying to get in on a little grooming action)
They used one torture instrument to get the bulk out and then Momma needs to go over me again with the fancy brush. And I had to submit to getting my nails done. It always surprises Momma that I let her Dremel my nails since I'm usually scared of anything that makes noise.
(Yes, Brice is in the foreground trying to get in on a little grooming action)
We should have something new for our next post. We have a playdate set up for tomorrow morning. We promise lots of pics of our adventure.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
Our new harnesses are RoughWear, good eyes pals, good eyes! We love them so far, Mum really likes how they are built.
Can't wait to hear about your day out tomorrow!
We hate brushing too, we've been leaving gobs of our coats all over the house lately, I bet the brushes will be coming out soon if Mum sees your post. Oi. Then the Dremel *grimace*
Of KHOURSE woo will get something the khommon folk khan't have yet!
Khyra The Pawsylvania Princess
PeeEssWoo: I got a khool word: FLUME
We totally understand about the heat and fur thing. Woof.
And, of course, a princess should get something special ordered!
We just ♥ it when we get a new collar. We have collars for summer and fall and Christmas and Halloween and collars that say things for us like "I am a good kisser". Be sure to show us your collar when you wear it cuz with all that hair, it will be hard for us to spot it on you!
I can't wait to see Eva's new collar, I know it will be beautiful just like her.
Did you know I also won a prize at the Life With Dogs site from Nigel of all pups! It is a handsculpted, clay version of me that will be a Christmas ornament. I am excited to see that too.
What we all have to endure to look our best!!! You look quite regal today, Princess Eva. We can't wait to see your new collar.
Woos, the OP Pack
Isn't being furry such a pain? Wish our Moms would take us to a colder climate and stop brushing us. :)
Hi, Eva and Brice!
No walkie at the park today?? Oh-oh! Are you going to burn some energy in your backyard??
I can't wait to see Eva's collar!
Kisses and hugs
You had to get BRUSHED?!?!? That is just horrible. I hope you're OK. I can't wait to see your new collar!
I so agree with Khyra, you are a princess so get a princess collar.
Brushing.. Uggg I hate that..
Have a good time tomorrow..
Hugs GJ xx
I'm sorry you had to get brushed.
Huffle Mawson
Usually when one of us is getting pet the other one tries to push his/her way to the front... unless a brush is in the hand of the human!
Congrats on your new collar from Life with Dogs. What a wonderful blog and deserved prize! Sorry it's been so hot - it is here sometimes, and sometimes not, but you certainly have tufts of hair flying in the air! Wonderful that you let your peeps do your nails. I don't love nails, but I let my mom at'em if she has to, which is about every other week arrrgghhhh!
You are such pretty pups!
Hugs xo
even with our short fur - we dont like the heat either - and we shed alot too - mommy has a furminator that works really well
enjoy your new collar
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
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