Yesterday, shortly after breakfast, Dad left at his normal time but he took the vroom-vroom machine in the garage. Sometimes he takes it to work but usually not. We started watching for Dad to come home around 3pm as usual.
Hmmm...4 pm and Dad's not home yet.
5pm and no Dad yet. Dad...we're starting to worry.
7pm....we realize Dad is lost and we have to start a search party. We started searching this morning!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:36 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Protecting Dad
Neither Brice nor Eva really begs for food but Brice is always aware of when food may be "available". Any food left within reach and not closely supervised, may not be there when you get back.
Eva loves beer, not that she ever gets any.
But if she can smell it, she's close by in case it spills
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:15 AM
Monday, July 27, 2009
Playdate with Isis!
We had a playdate with Isis, a boxer, on Saturday. Fun was had by all!
A great view of the park!
Brice and Isis
Eva doesn't go in the water very deep
Water Level is a little low
Brice and Isis playing in the water
Isis having fun!
Brice, Isis and a pair of fluffies
Princess Eva is very reserved so she doesn't play with very many pups. She prefers to sit on her Dad's feet just like a penguin baby.
Brice played with this shepherd alot
We didn't get any pictures of them playbowing but Brice kept swinging around and hip-checking him
Brice is just a little tired!
Eva napping on the drive home
We really like this park but it's a lot farther from home so we don't get there very often.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva and Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:30 AM
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fun, torture and a prize
It's been either raining or hot, so we didn't get to the park today but did a short loop around the park yesterday. I have such a thick coat that the temperature and humidity determines whether we get to the park or not.
They used one torture instrument to get the bulk out and then Momma needs to go over me again with the fancy brush. And I had to submit to getting my nails done. It always surprises Momma that I let her Dremel my nails since I'm usually scared of anything that makes noise.
(Yes, Brice is in the foreground trying to get in on a little grooming action)
We should have something new for our next post. We have a playdate set up for tomorrow morning. We promise lots of pics of our adventure.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:45 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday at the Park
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:30 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009
For Phantom the Fluffy
Our friends over at NY Bully Brats has a great post today - wearing shirts in support of Phantom from OP Pack.
(Dad leaves on the 30th for this year's rally)
Princess Eva and Brice the Studly
p.s. Sorry that we're so furry that shirts look funny on us.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:23 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The dog park and things people say
Instead of the normal park report, we're going to share some of the comments/questions that we hear at the dog park. And rarely does someone see us without making some kind of comment.
Question= "Since you have one of each, are you going to breed them?"
Momma ="Eva is not breeding quality and Brice's contract required him to be neutered"
She tries to not get into the responsible breeding speech in this type of casual conversation but if it continues she does bring up puppy mills and breed rescues.
Question - "Is he aggressive?"
Momma - "No he's not, is there a reason why you asked?"
Questioner - "He stands tall with his head held high and shoulders back"
Momma - "He is a very confident dog with some dominant traits but he is not aggressive"
Momma - "Actually, they are a less common breed called Belgian Tervuren"
There was one guy who asked if we were from the same litter of mixes and would not believe Momma when she said that we are actually a breed.
Actually we think it's funny when kids say that we're fox dogs or wolf dogs.
Dad keeps asking Brice if he is part white-tail deer.
Momma - thinking Duh!! politely answers "Yes"
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva & Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:00 AM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Can we get a new photographer?
We went out to get a new picture for the DWB blog list. The photo shoot was full of failures. Not our fault since we are extremely photogenic. Our photographer is "challenged". Can we get a new one?
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:38 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Were they still there?
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva & Bricey
p.s. The agility show started at 6:45 am and the big dogs were running first but Momma didn't get there until 10 so she missed a lot of the big dogs. She did see a Sibe, a Terv and a Belgian Sheepdog doing their runs this morning and she heard rumors that a Great Dane was there too but never saw him.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
2:30 PM