Here I am watching Brice make a fool of himself. He barks at nothing and pees on everything.

As you may have noticed by the above picture, Dad got our pool out again today. Brice had his big, clumsy self in the pool before Dad could get it out to the yard to put water in it. Dad had to get him out just to move it. Here's a little video of Brice chasing water.
I did finally get in and I chased Brice around the pool a little bit.

Then Dad started playing ball (for me) and flying squirrel (for Brice). Brice has a strange routine when the pool is out while he is fetching the squirrel.
He is washing and air drying the flying squirrel! He did that almost every time he went to get that toy. I could see why he would want to do that as dirty as he gets that thing. How unbecoming of royalty can you get.
He did prove to have some fun in him, though. He let me do zoomies with him around the yard like 5 times! And I was the one doing the chasing!! But then he would turn around and try to pin me. At which time I would run to Dad and have him protect me. I'm glad I have my Royal Guard.
Here's a pic of Brice the Mean after he dunked his head in the pool for about 5 minutes.After our zoomies and being attached by my little (bigger) brother, I was a little stressed so I asked for and received a nice Butt Scratch.
Here we are after we were both tired out and ready for dinner. Luckily I have my Royal Chef to prepare a meal fit for a Princess
Ready for Dinner!
I hear that Brice is going for a visit to the V-E-T on Friday. The Momma and the Dad say that maybe after his visit he won't be quite so obnoxious. Let's hope so.
With Royal Regards, Princess Eva.
That Brice really is a big goof!! He's definitely court jester. At least your humans are very sensitive to your needs which is wonderful. Haha going to the vet's haha==wait a minute...that's not funny, oops!! Bitey just smacked me upside the head and called me an idjut. Mommmmm!!!
love & wags,
He was herding the water!
And he was making sure his toys were khlean!!
AND never furget, he's a BOY - they are soooooo difFUREnt than we are!!!
He is such eye khandy!!!!
G'day Eva
Brice isn't that dumb. A drowned squireel is easier to catch than a live one !
you can teach brice to do the dishes! he can wash and dry!!
Wow, we LOVE those pics of you guys playing in the pool!!!
M & I
Brice sure makes a cute court jester. So pawsome that you have royal guard and royal chef to take care of you. :)
~ Girl girl
I don't know... I don't think he's that handsome.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
WOO WOO Priness Eva
It's hard putting up with kids, it's it. Marco Polo is such a baby butt too. He liked to knock into me but I decided I had enough and I let him know who is boss. I'm so glad your mommy and daddy watch over you so Brice doesn't hurt you. He needs lessons how to be a good boy.
Thor and the little baby Marco Polo
Wooo Eva and Brice.... That pool sure looks fun. I would love to come join you two! But I may have a tag-a-long, ha roo! The flying squirrel looks fun.. but mom thinks I may destroy it.
Brice is quite the hoot. He should keep you laughing for a long time. We all know that it is great to laugh.
I love a good butt scratch, it feels so good and makes up for anything!
Oh, Brice is SO clever to wash off his squirrel! Sigh. And is SO handsome!
Eva, I LOVE the picture of the two of you at the end of the post! You look SO lovely! And Brice.... sigh ... Brice is so dreamy.
Woof Eva and Brice, you look like you're having alot of fun in that pool.
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside the Fence
Eva you're being a very good sport. Someday you'll look back and laugh at his silly behavior. I've gotta admit though, I might not mind dunking a squirrel in the pool.
The pool looks like so much fun. Maybe Brice will learn some manners while he is at the V-E-T.
D'Azul, where Siberians Rule
Bros can be stupid to us! I know, I've got the demon youngster (none other than Juneau!) at my house. So is this the Brice that Amber (AO4) is ga-ga over - hmm - like "sitting in a tree . . . ?!?"
Hi, Eva!
Brice is fun! Washing his toy in the pool!
Good luck at the vet!
Kisses and hugs
I'm starting to think that Brice and Steve would really get along. They are both quite silly.
Butt scratch. We love butt scratchs. Maybe we will sneak out and wander up North to get one. You are so luck.
Essex & Deacon
I'm glad the staff is still taking care of your royal self like they should be
Fun! And extreme jealousy it's warm enough to paddle over there!
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