We have a Bad Dog vs. Good Dog situation.
Bad Dog played by Brice -17 month old - intact male - medium drive - 55 lb puppy

Within two hours of having his new Wubba, this is what it looks like. And now it only squeaks 50% of the time

The Big Mean Kitty from our friend Holly is now deaf. This is what's left of one of his ears.

My poor baby puppy stuffie that I've had since I was 7 weeks old now only has 3 legs

All stuffies now are missing corners. As a result he only gets non-stuffy toys in his room and only gets stuffies when Momma and Dad are home.
Good Dog played by Eva - 4.5 year old - low drive - spayed female - princess

I am an angel
Momma tells me that he'll grow out of it and it will be better when we can go to the dog park and burn off his energy (after he gets snipped). And I have to admit, he's a pretty good chew toy.
w00f's Eva and Brice...heehee watt's dat old sayin "boys will b boys"..me sorrwy he tored up u stuffies u had fur a long time...sooo fur me not tored up nuffin...my pink monster wiff the one eye, iz kinda dirty and got drool on it, but it still iz ok..of course u iz a princess Eva..
b safe,
I know exactly what you are going through. Marco Polo does the same thing to my toys too! Mom said I did the same thing when I was a youngster but I don't remember that! You are such a beautiful princess and an Angel!
Thor and Marco Polo (the bad dog too)
G'day Eva
Hey - they are stuffies .. that's what they are for aren't they! ;-)
I don't get stuffies anymore, 'cause I do the same thing to them.
He might not. I do that to all my toys still and I'm almost 5 :) and have been snipped since before I was a year old.
You are the Queen of Patience!
Woo woo, KA
Sometimes a princess has to rise above it all.
Hey, I am thinking of becoming a princess, what do you think?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hi, Eva!
Brice needs to learn a lot of things about royalty!
And you are the best to teach him!
Kisses and hugs
Eva, you are soooooo pretty - my mom loves that "angel" picture of you. I have lots of fluffies that look like those too, I thought that was what they were for - destuff the stuff???
Woo, ThunderDunder
You sure are a good doggie Princess Eva. I hope Brice learn from you to be good too
~ Girl girl
And, he's SOOOO handsome too!
PeeEssWoo: one of my wubbas looks kinda like that - but it still skhweaks!
PeeEssWooWoo: You are still too pretty fur words!
Well... that's what would happen to those toys here, too. We DO have a Big Mean Kitty, but we can only play with it with Mom. Stormy and I wouldn't mess it up, but Am and Dave would. Ammy destuffed our cool arctic camo bone over the weekend. Ooops.
Eva, you look SO gorgeous in that picture! Where is Brice? Am's going to be so upset! :)
I gave you guys an award! Stop by the blog!
Play bows,
Stuffies have a short life at our house so my mom doesn't buy too many. All that energy has to go somewhere better stuffies than shoes! Of course, Eva, you are the perfect, beautiful princess.
love & wags,
Wow Brice, I'm quite impressed with your skills!!
Eva, you will ALWAYS be an angel!
Chew on him harder. Maybe he'll get the message if suddenly he's missing an ear or a limb or something.
I guess I did luck out with the Puppyhead here. He's nuts about his stuffies (and mine) and takes very good care of them. Maybe Brice will too, after the big snip.
Wooos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Dogmom says that all of our toys with stuffing look like that within 10 minutes of their coming into the house. So now she only buys the ones with no stuffing (Drs. Foster & Smith catalog)or makes them for us from canvas fabric...
Wuf Ya!
Gomer & OPie
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