First the update- Brice still has 3 of the 4 staples that the Dr. added to him on last Friday. It probably helped that Momma sprayed him with Bitter Apple. Also, he has chewed apart another color but didn;t eat this one. And he has killed the mini-blinds in his room.
Our friends Thor and Marco gave us this beautiful award
There are rules for this award
1. Add the Logo of the award to our blog
2. Nominate at least seven other blogs
Lola, Rosemary, Journey and Witty Kitty from Forget Sit and Stay
Phantom, Dakot and Thunder from Chronicles of Woo
MayaMarie and Bella
The Dogs of Jackman Ave
Darling Pippa
3. Leave a message for our nominees on their Blogs
That's it for today. No pictures today because Momma is old and still recovering from the blogathon Saturday night.
Princess Eva
Monday, July 28, 2008
Awards and Updates
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:16 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thanks to Steve, Kat & Wilbur and the Kapp Pack
Did you hear? I won Ammy!!!
What???? Princess Eva says I didn't win Ammy. I'm sure that the drawing during the blogathon was for Ammy. Maybe I'm confused, I was a little tired. I'll go ask Momma. She never lies to me.
Momma? I won Ammy right?
No Brice, the drawing was for a beautiful bag made by Ammy's mom.
But Mom!!! I'm sure that Steve and Kat's mom said the drawing was for Ammy.
Silly Brice, her mom would really miss her so Ammy needs to stay with her Mom and the rest of the Army of Four. Can I distract you with a Happy Hearts cookie?
Cookie!!! Where my cookie??(I haven't forgotten Ammy but these cookies are so good)
Seriously, thanks to Steve, Kat and Wilbur (blogging for SOS-SRF) and The Kapp Pack (blogging for MaPaw Siberian Rescue) for working so hard to raise funds for dogs in need.
See you at next years blogathon.
Brice and Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:40 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How may times does it take.....
Momma is a little upset with Brice. She trying to keep up and support our friends that are blogging today to raise money for pups in need ( Steve, Kat and Wilbur and the Kapp Pack) and Brice keeps dropping a dog spit soaked stuffie on the keyboard. So the big question is: How many times will it take until the laptop sizzles and Momma has to get a new one?
Should I help? And which one?
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:57 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Few Words Friday

Dad thinks Brice looks like a white-tail deer in this picture. We were just having some zoomie time and momma caught him at just the right time. Brice has to go back to the V-E-T today because he can't leave his neuter incision alone. And momma and dad can't make him be calm and not run when he's outside.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Princess Eva.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:47 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Finally, some manners
He has finally learned to eat from his own dish so that he doesn't have to eat in his kennel. But my dish is put down first, I get treats first and he isn't allowed on the furniture. Girls rule!!!!!
# of toys thrown in the trash today due to de-stuffing - 2
Still in charge,
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:57 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Update- Ammy said "YES"!!!!!
I remember the first day that I saw you. It was a big day in so many ways. I met my new Momma and Dad. I met my new sister Eva. And then I saw you.
I whispered in your ear that I thought that you were the prettiest Sibe that I've ever met.
You were so sweet and accepted me even though I was different.I'm sure that you have others, but could you....would you.....will you be my girlfriend???
Update: The bewootiful Ammy of AO4 said "YES!". I have the most bewootiful girlfriend in the world!!!!!
A suddenly shy,
Brice the Handsome
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:32 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm back and I feel a little lighter
I'm back from surgery. Do I look any different???
I'm still a little groggy but I perked up for dinner. But no running, jumping or playing in the pool for a few days.
Regarding the Khool Khat (aka Cool Cat) award from this mornings post. I'm passing this award on to River (who also has cat feet) and Randi who has special Wally Melon skills
And my path of destruction continues. Big Mean Kitty no longer has a head so he went to live on the farm, I learned that a brass brush is not a good chew toy and this is what is left of a 20 inch rolled leather collar.(I horka'd it up on the guest bed) I didn't eat the buckle and Momma is just watching to make sure that things continue to pass through.Time for a few pain killers and a nap,
P.S. I'm hoping a certain beautiful red-haired girl reads tomorrow's post.
P.P.S. Eva want me to tell you that Momma did feed her after she put me in the DUV
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:54 PM
A New Award
Our friends Zim and Ammy from AO4 gave us a new Cool Cat (or would that be Khool Khat) award. I'll be back tomorrow to pass this award on to others.
I'm too weak today since Momma hasn't fed us yet. Brice has the big snip today so he gets no food until tomorrow.
Brice has not forgotten about the big question that he talked about the other day. Dad is traveling and Brice has been keeping Momma busy with his inappropriate choice of chew toys.
I'll be back later with an pupdate,
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:40 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Yard Zoomies
Just a video of Brice and I having some fun in the back yard. Oh, and a picture of me with Brice drool on my face.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:11 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'm good to go
The test results are in............I'm good to go for surgery on Friday. Since this clinic treats other Belgians, they already know the rules about not using Ace as the anesthesia for Belgians. We're a sensitive breed.And a "Thank you" to a special friend for influencing selecting us for a new award. We'll post about that in the next few days. My sister Eva is a natural choice for the award and I'm in because someone thinks that I'm handsome. I'm mulling over a possible post for later this week but first I have to ask Eva to think back and remember if someone has a special someone.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:45 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Bad Dog, Good Dog
We have a Bad Dog vs. Good Dog situation.
Bad Dog played by Brice -17 month old - intact male - medium drive - 55 lb puppy

Momma tells me that he'll grow out of it and it will be better when we can go to the dog park and burn off his energy (after he gets snipped). And I have to admit, he's a pretty good chew toy.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
4:00 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Brice Pupdate
Brice is still all there.
As long as the Dr. was going to stick him with a needle, Momma asked them to to use a bigger needle and do a full blood panel. She has a new plan to have full blood panels done every year so that we can hopefully catch things before they get too big.
The vet ran the tests and found that one of his protein levels (ABL) is too low. So they stuck him again and re-ran the test to confirm the results. This time that protein level was in the normal range. So we have either a false low or a false normal. They stuck him again and they're sending the blood out to an independent lab for testing (at their expense) and will have their equipment tested. The blood test results will not be in until Monday. The Dr. recommended postponing the surgery until the results are in.
A low reading could indicate a liver issue or could interfere with his healing from surgery. So a new appointment is set up for next Friday pending a normal reading.
Momma and Dad are not stressing over it yet. Just concerned.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:21 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I Guess I'm Broken

My Playful Side

The X-Rated Shot.
(Cover your eyes young Bi-Peds)

Dad says no Few Words Friday tomorrow cuz of my trip to the V-E-T for my "procedure". Something about bits that I no longer need. I will be sure that my Princess Eva lets you know how everything "came out". Until next time, Keep Playin'!!
Lotsa Licks, Brice.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:18 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Day at the Pool
Here I am watching Brice make a fool of himself. He barks at nothing and pees on everything.

As you may have noticed by the above picture, Dad got our pool out again today. Brice had his big, clumsy self in the pool before Dad could get it out to the yard to put water in it. Dad had to get him out just to move it. Here's a little video of Brice chasing water.
I did finally get in and I chased Brice around the pool a little bit.

Then Dad started playing ball (for me) and flying squirrel (for Brice). Brice has a strange routine when the pool is out while he is fetching the squirrel.
He is washing and air drying the flying squirrel! He did that almost every time he went to get that toy. I could see why he would want to do that as dirty as he gets that thing. How unbecoming of royalty can you get.
He did prove to have some fun in him, though. He let me do zoomies with him around the yard like 5 times! And I was the one doing the chasing!! But then he would turn around and try to pin me. At which time I would run to Dad and have him protect me. I'm glad I have my Royal Guard.
Here's a pic of Brice the Mean after he dunked his head in the pool for about 5 minutes.After our zoomies and being attached by my little (bigger) brother, I was a little stressed so I asked for and received a nice Butt Scratch.
Here we are after we were both tired out and ready for dinner. Luckily I have my Royal Chef to prepare a meal fit for a Princess
Ready for Dinner!
I hear that Brice is going for a visit to the V-E-T on Friday. The Momma and the Dad say that maybe after his visit he won't be quite so obnoxious. Let's hope so.
With Royal Regards, Princess Eva.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:54 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Dad loves me best
Just a couple of pictures for today.

Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:54 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
How Belgians Play
Do not be scared of the following image.
It is said that some dogs recognize others of the same breed. Eva has not seen another Belgian since we brought her home at 7-8 weeks old. It hasn't taken her long to recognize that she and Brice are the same breed and she has quickly learned this normal method of Belgian play. They usually only play like this with other Belgians. So if we meet you on the street, you should be safe.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:00 PM
Gomer and Opie's friend -Gemi
Please go visit Gomer and Opie to read the story of their friend Gemi who needs surgery. Gemi is Gomer and Opie's dog walker's pup and matching any donations made today. So if you could give little, I know the remaining funds can be raised for Gemi's surgery.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:12 PM
1 Woof-backs
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Brice loves sprinklers and his squirrel
Silly boy
I've attached a few videos to show that he's not all that smart.
Brice and his squirrel
Brice with the sprinkler
More Brice with the sprinkler
Each video is different. I'm not sure why the first two have the weird image.
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:45 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Brice Speaks

Here's a shot of me running with the Flying Squirrel. I wish it was a real squirrel, but I'll take what I can get!

Eva on the left Brice on the right.
After playing with my Flying Squirrel and posing for pictures, I found a great place to lay down. Right by the air conditioning vent! Most Excellent Spot!!

Earlier I mentioned that the Momma got me two new toys. Here's the second. I got a Wubba!!
Squeeeeaaaak, Squeak, Squeeeeeaaaaak!!! The more I squeak it, the more times they throw it. I think I'll be able to mold these people into fine slaves.
Yap at ya soon, Brice the Bulldozer.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:46 PM