I think that it's time to change the name of the blog. Tasha will always be with us in spirit and in our hearts. She may show up in pictures and in stories and will always featured at the top of my sidebar. But I'm tired of Momma and Dad crying every time they see her name in big letters at the top of this blog.
This blog is now about ME!!! If you have any suggestions, feel free to submit them. My friend Khyra came up with Eva-lution for a post title and gave us permission to use it as a possible blog replacement title.
I have been having a lot of adventures but Momma is too lazy to hook the little box to the big box. So without the pictures, I told her that I can't share them. She promised me to do it within the next few days.
Belly rubs,
Princess Eva
P.S. Momma wanted to share that she is submitting an application to Belgian Rescue. If they find our app and our references acceptable and then we pass a home inspection, we'll be on a waiting list to be matched with another Tervuren. Momma is a little worried because I'm such a neurotic dog that they won't think that we deserve another Terv. But my confidence is growing everyday. Instead of my kennel, on my bed or between the sofa and the ottoman, I've even started napping in the foyer which was Tasha's favorite spot. From there I'm exposed to upstairs, downstairs, the front door and the door to the garage. Momma says that this is a big step towards becoming the alpha dog.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The time has come......
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
2:04 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Me & Dad

I am also taking the guarding of my territory very seriously as you will see in this video. Be sure that the volume is up so you can hear the ferocious defending of my turf.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:43 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Grandma says...
Grandma misses Tasha and shared these words of wisdom with Momma and Dad-
One of the downsides to bringing a dog into your family, is that you have to deal with the pain of when their time is up. If you wanted a pet with a long life span, you should get a turtle. To which Dad responded "Well, that would be a really exciting game of fetch". Dad is so silly.
No offense to our neighbors who actually do have turtles as pets. Or at least no more offense than normal when Momma asks them how the pet rocks are doing.
The "I am finally being treated like the true princess that I am" yet lonely,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:14 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A message from Tasha
As a last post from us (the humans), we want to share a few experiences with you. We believe the spirit lives on and has a choice to go to the "bridge" right away, delay to convey a message or remain earthbound.
The first time that this happened to us was when Tia passed to the bridge in January '04. Tia had a habit of circling around Doug and then standing between his legs with her rear sticking out the front so that Doug could scratch her rump. About an hour after Tia passed, Tasha did this same action. Understand that Tasha had never done this behavior before or since. We took this as a message that Tia was letting us know that she had made it to the bridge and she was OK.
Last Saturday, after Tasha had passed and while I could still feel her spirit next to me, one of the things that I asked of her was to send us a message that she was OK and that she understood.
When we got home, we needed a distraction so we took Eva to a new dog park. While we were there, another dog tried to show his dominance and mount her. Typically, Eva would scurry away and hide behind us. This time, she exhibited a Tasha behavior and whipped around and let him know that this was not acceptable. Tasha was a dominant dog but a calm easy-going dominant. With just a look and an occasional snarl, everydog knew that Tasha did not tolerate this behavior. We were stunned that Eva did exactly what Tasha would have done and thought "is this the sign from Tasha"? Eva then returned to her normal submissive nature. Eva does not like loud noises, quick movement, children and is not fond of anyone but us. Even people she knows have learned to let her slowly approach them.
Sunday morning, I took Eva for a walk. Our neighbor Jeff was outside and Eva was actually pulling at the leash to go up to him to be petted. Once again, this is Tasha behavior and not Eva behavior.
Monday afternoon, we were out front planting flowers. Eva was just hanging out with us off-leash. (She can be trusted since she won't wander far from us and has great recall. And we live on a cul-de-sac, so there is no traffic) Another neighbor Bob comes over. And then his wife Jane. Each time, Eva easily went up to them to be petted. Once again, Tasha behavior and not Eva behavior.
Could this be explained that since Tasha is not here, Eva is more confident? Maybe. Or it could be Tasha's spirit knows that Eva is not ready to be alone yet and is providing guidance to her? Maybe. Are we crazy? Yes.
Again, thank you for all of your support. It helps to know that Tasha will be missed by so many. We'll be visiting each of your blogs to thank you personally over the next few days. Tasha may not be with us physically but she'll always be in our hearts and memories. We will be spreading her ashes at some of her favorite places.
We're turning the blog over to Eva. Since she is now the focus of our attention and we need distractions, she has been having a few adventures that she wants to share with you. She'll start blogging again in a few days.
Hugs to your pups
Vicky, Doug and Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:19 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
If It Should Be....

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:25 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dear Eva,
Dad said that it was not nice that I called you dumb and I need to apologize. So I'm sorry that I called you dumb.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:13 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Still no clue
Sorry but we are not yet returning to our regularly scheduled blog. The latest lab results are still not conclusive. The tests are not coming back indicating cancer but we are still not getting an answer as to what is wrong with Tasha. We're doing one more test tonight that is specific for Blastomycosis. This is a test that this clinic has never done before and is fairly new. Allegedly, it is 97% accurate and the sample is being couriered to a different lab in Indianapolis. If we do not get an answer with this test, we're going to get Tasha referred to the U of MN. We may have to pay for some of these tests again but as long as we find an answer, we will do anything and everything that is needed. It is challenging to try to keep everything light-hearted at home so the girls don't pick up on the emotions.
In the spirit of what this blog was intended for, I'll turn it back over to the girls for a comment.
Tasha - Dad took me for a ride in the DUV again. For some reason, we don't go anywhere fun anymore like the park. But at least today when we got to where we were going, Momma was there. I love Momma but not as much as I love Dad. She buys us treats and shares her food but Dad takes us for walks and to the park.
Eva- Park!! Did you say Park?
Tasha - We are not going to the park, I was just explaining that I love Dad more because he takes us to the park and plays with us every day when he gets home.
Eva - Hmmm, I'm not sure who I love more. Dad throws my ball further but Momma protects me from big boomies and puts my storm shirt on. I'm going to my kennel to think about this.
Tasha - 5..4..3..2..1.. Eva already forgot what she was thinking about. She's dumb.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:40 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Eva's Solo Adventures

It wasn't too long and I had had enough of the posing, so off we went for a walk around the park.

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:30 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Quick Update
Tasha here- I wanted to share the reason why I got to come home early. They canceled / postponed my sequel. Instead of putting the camera into my lungs, the doc thought she could get a good sample by sticking me with a really long needle. This way they didn't have to use the anesthesia. The test results will be back on Monday or Tuesday. I hope this over soon. I'm tired of taking all these tests.
I had a good day. Dad served me breadkfast in bed. Actually Eva's bed and I wouldn't eat all of my kibble so I got extra treats including some that MayaMarie's mom made. Yum!! - banana & blueberry.
Then I spent the afternoon outside with Dad. He hasn't mowed the backyard yet so the grass was tickling my bare tummy and my "crop circles". I forgot to tell you that I have "crop circles" where the doc stuck the long needles.
I am going to let Eva post tomorrow about her recent field trips. Today she saw Tory from Dogpad and even met Dogmom!
I have to go now because it's time for my 197th trip outside today.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:11 PM
She sprung me early
Momma came and sprung me early from the clinic so that I could surprise Dad when he came home from the dog park with Eva. He was so happy to see me but then Momma told him that the Dr. is talking about cancer again. They want this roller coaster ride to stop.
I've thought I'd share how well my people's training is progressing
- They watch my every move in case I need something
- They hand-feed me and keeping asking me to have one more bite
- I get more canned food in my kibble which makes item #2 more fun
- I get more cheese and peanut butter and scrambled eggs and treats when I refuse my kibble
- I get more rides in the DUV (Today I rode home in Momma's car with the top down. I love the breeze in my fur)
- Eva has to leave me alone or she gets yelled at
- They carry me up and down the stairs if I look at them with puppy dog eyes
- I can nap in Eva's bed and they don't tell me to go to my own bed
- Eva has to have a bath tomorrow and I don't have to because I'm delicate
- I get ANYTHING I want
I did agree to let Eva post about her trip to the dog park without me. But I didn't agree to when. Maybe tomorrow. She needs to learn that the world revolves around me.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:36 AM
Friday, May 16, 2008
Only One Dog in the House
P.S. Tasha and Eva's Dad here. It is very strange with only one dog on my arm for walks, only one bowl of food to fix, and only one dog to let out and call back in. We're all missing Tasha very much and are looking forward to having her back with us tomorrow afternoon. Thank you all again so much for your show of love and concern during this time. Vicky and I are very grateful to have such a great bunch of friends! DWB ROCKS! Thanks again, Doug.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:47 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
More Tests Are Scheduled

I'm going on a sleep over tomorrow night and won't be home until Saturday. Remember the other day when I told you about the movie of my insides? This time they're going to make the sequel and focus on my lungs. I'll be available for pawtographs on Sunday.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:33 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Good News??? Warning: Long Post including some words that Momma doesn't really understand
Sorry, it's Momma again but the results are back. We are not out of the woods. We can't even see the edge of the forest but there is a faint path and there could potentially be a happy ending to this chapter. Basically, they are not confirming that it is definitely cancer. It's not being ruled out but we have a better chance of it being an infection.
Tasha will be going in for more extensive tests. I don't like putting her under anesthesia but it is the best way to get a good lung sample and to take a bigger sample of her liver.
Please keep those positive thoughts coming. It appears to be working. Hopefully we can soon return to our regularly scheduled blog posts where we discuss trips to the park and treats.
For anyone who may be interested in additional details I have included a condensed version of my discussion with the vet and the follow-up email.
Needle Aspiration #1 of the Liver: Is highly suggestive of Hepatocellular Carcinoma AKA Hepatoma.
- These are generally considered benign masses. They are very unlikely to spread to other organs, but if left untreated they can continue to grow in size causing disruption of the liver or discomfort.
- Overall, a Hepatoma would be a relatively good finding for Tasha. As such, it does not explain her lung changes.
Now that we have the above information on the liver and spleen, it seems highly possible that Tasha's lung changes are due to some other disease entity. Several disease processes could cause that type of infiltrate pattern in the lungs and these can include a fungal disease called blastomycosis, other infections in the lung such as mycoplasma or parasites (these can occur as complicating factors from a more common infection like kennel cough), or even some other complicated bronchitis.
a. Transtracheal Wash (TTW): This is a procedure generally done on an awake patient. A stab incision in the skin over the trachea allows us to pass a catheter into the trachea and lungs. A small amount of sterile water is flushed in and hoping the patient cough, a sample is retrieved. This often can be unsuccessful with regards to sample size and can be very stressful for all involved.b. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL): This is a similar procedure to the above, but it allows us to visualize what is occuring within the lungs and airways themselve, and allows us to obtain much larger fluid samples to search for infection/disease. This is performed under general anesthesia.
Momma, Dad, Eva and leading lady of this drama, the ever bewootiful Tasha
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:55 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Bit of a Normal Day
Then I surprised Dad big time! I wanted to play with this:
Not too long after we got done in the back yard, Eva and I had to bark at a guy in a big brown truck that walked up to our house with this box.
Momma tried to get Eva to sniff each treat and then pick her favorite. That didn't work out too well. Right after Dad took this picture, she grabbed another one! I don't think she is a very selective tester.
What a great day! Dad home with us all day, spending lots of time outside, and special delivery treats! What more could a pup want?
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:52 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The anti-depressant meds are working
Wanted to paw a quick update.
Though they won't cure her issue (still not diagnosed), Tasha's pills appear to be working in regards to her appetite, breathing and general mood. When we gave her the first pills yesterday, she became more like her normal self - very observant, interested in food and she was breathing easier. OK, she was flying high and very,very focused on our every move. It is almost spooky the intensity in her eyes. The vet did warn us that the pills may result in anxiety so we may need to reduce the dosage.
We are concerned that she hasn't poo'd for two days but since she hasn't eaten much for a few days that could be expected. Dad is staying home with her tomorrow to keep an eye on her.
We can't say enough about the love and concern that everyone has expressed. It means so much to us to have someone out there that understands and doesn't think that we're crazy to be so upset about her situation. Some of our friends and family are concerned but not with the understanding that has been expressed by our DWB family.
We'll try to get around to everyone's blog to comment on your posts soon. We've met a few new friends via the recent comments and would love to get to know you. Yes, we do kind of need the distraction that would provide.
Love to all and kisses to your pups,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:54 PM
Happy Mother's Day!

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:24 AM