Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:49 AM
Momma and Dad called to tell us that they are having a miserable time without us but we're having too much fun to return their calls. That'll teach them to ever leave us again!!They did see this big puppy. We sure hope they don't bring him home.
Belly Rubs,
Tasha and Eva
P.S. Don't forget to stop by and vote for your favorite picture of the month. They are all great but we are partial to one. :-)
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:44 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:53 PM
Nothing exciting going on today. Except it was a bewootiful day so Dad took us for short walk on the Twilight-Nature loop. He didn't really have a choice since Momma asked us if we wanted to go for a walk. We always continue to agree very loudly until Dad puts on his shoes. He takes soooo long and then he makes us sit and be quiet while he puts our leashes on.
Oh! Tasha learned a new "trick". If Momma asks us if we want a salmon treat, Tasha goes and barks at the food safe. Otherwise she goes to the counter where our other treats are kept. Sigh...Tasha knows so many more words than I do. I hope I know as much as she does some day.
Belly Rubs to all,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:48 PM
We were SOOO happy to be home and back to our routine. And that means we have to go check our territory. What a wonderland of muck! We were so excited! Do you pups think that there are any possibilities here for Eva and I to regain our doggish aroma?
All in all, we had a really good time at Dog Pad. Having all those new friends will help us not miss our humans as much while they are on vacation. Why they can't take us with them is beyond me. Something about trauma for us and their wallet.
We hope you enjoyed the little tour of Dog Pad and our fabulous swamp-like backyard. Everypup, kitty, and GG have a great day and week to come!
Belly Rubs, Tasha.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
4:53 AM
I just realized that I have never seen another Belgian Shepard (any variety) since I left my mommy. Well, except for on TV and that doesn't count since I can't sniff them. I shouldn't be surprised. Per the most recent stats from AKC: 98 Tervuren litters registered in 2006. Not a lot compared to the 41,132 litters registered the same year for Labs. Thats not counting the puppy mills and backyard breeders. Don't get our Momma started on that subject.
Other sad news - Momma's friend had two of her dogs recently diagnosed with cancer. (No names since Momma has not contacted her yet to obtain permission. But if you watch any of the big televised shows that also have obedience, you've seen them). One dog with testicular cancer and has had surgery. The other with Hemangiosarcoma. Our thoughts are with our friends at this time.
We wanted to share the canine cancer website linked above. Knowledge is good. Knowledge is powerful. Some cancers attack very swiftly and often you are not aware of it until it is too late. And we got an extra hug and kiss from Momma in memory of our sister Tia who went to the the Rainbow bridge when she was diagnosed with stage 4/5 lymphsarcoma.
Hugs to all,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:07 PM
1 Woof-backs
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Princess Eva and Brice
3:39 AM
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Princess Eva and Brice
7:21 PM
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Princess Eva and Brice
6:37 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:58 AM