Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:42 AM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:05 PM
Hello everypup, Wilbur, Tia, and GG, Tasha here. First of all let me start by apologizing for us not posting and commenting this weekend. The humans have been making all kinds of noise with the new floor and painting a bunch of walls. We couldn't even do a Few Words Friday! As soon as we were up on Friday, the commotion started. I hid in the basement by the pool table and Eva cowered in the humans room practically under the bed. Oh, well, today both humans went to work so it was nice and quiet so we could get in our naps.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:01 PM
We back from Grandma's house but we're full of turkey so we need to nap. We'll try to post pictures from our trip tomorrow.
So sleepy,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
4:21 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:59 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
4:31 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:46 AM
Hello everypup, kitty and GG, Eva here. Well, unfortunately my bald tennis ball has disappeared (probably in a bag of leaves due to dad's lack of attention to detail), but with a little encouragement I have adopted to a new ball. Today I have fully accepted this one as my new ball.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:08 PM
This week the Momma is traveling again and is down near where Summit lives. But she did check several weather forecasts for us today.
Weather.com indicates possible snow for us on the 14th, 19th and the 20th. Accuweather.com indicates clear on the previously mentioned dates and possible snow on the 24th - 26th.
Apparently there is no skill is involved, they just spin a big wheel or throw darts at a board.
Where's Vanna when you need her,
Tasha & Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:06 PM
Now that they have figured out that some of us pups are spoiled, some companies putting everything they can think of in the market. The Momma saw this at the grocery store today. Among other things, it has CORN (corn = bad). We're still not sure what she was doing in that aisle anyway since most of our stuff comes from Chuck & Don's.
Since we are no longer allowed to have corn, wheat, soy or gluten, she is exploring more treat options. Has anyone tried Fish Skins or Sam's Yams?
We were looking back through some old files and found this picture of the Eva when she was still a pup. She was very dark for a pup. Normally Tervs are born dark, are very light by the time they're ready to go to their furever homes and then get darker as they get older.
Belly rubs,
P.S. We're making Momma check the forecast everyday. Now we might get snow as early as the 19th.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:53 PM
The Momma told us the snow melted when it hit the ground yesterday so we're not feeling so bad about napping through it.
She did check the forecast for us and it's not suppose to snow until her barkday. Tasha is quivering in anticipation already, the Husky in her always comes out when there's snow!!!!
Dad took us to the dog park today to play with Maggie and her human but he forgot to take pictures. We had soooo much fun. Maybe we can go again tomorrow.
Paws crossed,
P.S. We didn't get a new supply of treats today. Don't worry, the supply is low but we have enough to last for another week or so. And there are some fresh green beans in the big white box. We love fresh veggies!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:08 PM
Yesterday, Momma called home to say it was SNOWING by the place that she goes to everyday !!!!!! But either it didn't snow in our yard or we were napping and missed it. (insert sad puppy dog eyes here)
Tasha & Eva
P.S. Note to Momma -We're almost out of treats and we really like the ones you brought home last time.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
4:45 AM
Hello everypup, kitty and GG, Eva here. This is another picture dad found on the internet. That is one brave kitty! Tia and Wibur, would you guys go up and say hi to this big guy? No good ones of us lately. We have been kind of ignored this week. Mom and dad are back to some long hours at work and then when they get home its more projects and fall chores. It was a sad day for dad the other day. He had to winterize his motorcycle. It is now under a cover in the garage. On Tuesday while we were guarding the house while mom and dad were at work we saw the first snow flurries of the season! Can't wait until it snows heavy and sticks to the ground. That's another reason we posted this picture. WE WANT SNOW!! Hope every furball has a great weekend. Belly Rubs, Eva.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:29 AM
Hey everypup, kitty, and GG, Tasha here. About all that has been going on around here is us helping dad clean up leaves outside and helping mom do more painting inside. The work here just never stops! I don't especially care for the painting part, but Eva does. She got more highlights on her backside the other day. No pictures of that, but here are some from us supervising dad's work in the back yard.
Were you surprised it was me under there? No? I guess I'm not surprised. Hope you enjoyed it anyway! By the way, I did find my ball. Unlike some other pup that I live with. Bark at everypup soon. Belly Rubs, Tasha.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:56 PM
Have you ever noticed that one of your humans is more observant than the other(s).
Earlier in the week, it was Momma who figured out that I was stuck under the bed and then Friday night when I did the horka dance on Momma and Dad's bed, Momma heard me from the other side of the house but Dad (who was sleeping right next to me) never even moved!!! He didn't even notice that Momma turned on the light and took the duvet cover off the down comforter.
Once again, I heard the phrase "you're lucky that you're pretty". She's joking...I think!?!
I am doing the horka dance less often now that I'm not allowed to have any more yogurt.
The very beautiful,
P.S. no pictures today cuz I'm hiding in my kennel from the evil Dish guy and Dad's at the Vikings game.
P.P.S. She used the pet stain remover but the comforter still has a slight aroma. Just add the comforter to the list of things I've modified/destroyed/eaten.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:42 PM
Hello everypup, kitty, and GG, Tasha here. We can feel that nip in the air! It won't be long now. At least we hope not. We're talking about SNOW!! We posted this video way back in April when we first started blogging, but we thought that maybe a bunch of our new friends might not have seen it yet. Please ignore dad's goofy voice.
Did you see the snow on the end of my nose? I can't wait until I can cover my whole furry body in that wonderful white stuff! Have a super weekend everyone. Belly Rubs, Tasha.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:41 AM