After living a long and much loved life, Khyra's sibe-sister, Kyrye, has made the journey to the rainbow bridge. Kyrye did not have her own blog so please go to Khyra's blog to offer your support during this difficult time.
We'll be lighting a candle tonight in Kyrye's honor and watching for her star.
We'll be lighting a candle tonight in Kyrye's honor and watching for her star.

Message From Valhalla
You were with me to the very end and even after I had "gone" you held me,
and as my soul left my body and I looked down and saw you crying,
I wanted so much to tell you that I understood. You did this for me.
I tried to tell you in my own way that it was time for me to leave,
and I thank you for understanding. No other will take my place,
but those I left behind will need your love and affection as I have had.
You still think of me, and there are times you try to hide your tear-filled eyes....
but happy and think not of sadness,
but of how I made you happy and made you laugh at the funny and smart things I did.
There are no fences in Valhalla, for no one has the desire to "dig out".
There are no thunderstorms in Valhalla, therefore fear is never present.
There are no fights in Valhalla. Everyone is congenial.
There is no hunger. There is no thirst. There is much to explore.
Many of us who are older take care of the little ones and guide them.
It's fun watching them run with their ears flopping and their curly tails wagging.
We have four seasons in Valhalla, and most of us agree, winter is our favorite.
So you see, my loved one, I am very happy...
When it comes time for my friends to leave,
I will meet them at the gates of Valhalla,
and I will acquaint them with this beautiful and serene place,
and I will take care of them for you.
Thank you for loving me, caring for me, and having the courage to let me go with dignity.
Jane S. Morris
and as my soul left my body and I looked down and saw you crying,
I wanted so much to tell you that I understood. You did this for me.
I tried to tell you in my own way that it was time for me to leave,
and I thank you for understanding. No other will take my place,
but those I left behind will need your love and affection as I have had.
You still think of me, and there are times you try to hide your tear-filled eyes....
but happy and think not of sadness,
but of how I made you happy and made you laugh at the funny and smart things I did.
There are no fences in Valhalla, for no one has the desire to "dig out".
There are no thunderstorms in Valhalla, therefore fear is never present.
There are no fights in Valhalla. Everyone is congenial.
There is no hunger. There is no thirst. There is much to explore.
Many of us who are older take care of the little ones and guide them.
It's fun watching them run with their ears flopping and their curly tails wagging.
We have four seasons in Valhalla, and most of us agree, winter is our favorite.
So you see, my loved one, I am very happy...
When it comes time for my friends to leave,
I will meet them at the gates of Valhalla,
and I will acquaint them with this beautiful and serene place,
and I will take care of them for you.
Thank you for loving me, caring for me, and having the courage to let me go with dignity.
Jane S. Morris
Thanks so much for such a pawesome tribute to my SibeSta
She left York PAWSYLVANIA at approximately 9:30 EST -
Mom tells me she went khwite peaceably with the dignity she deserved -
We'll be watching fur her tonight!
I'm sure Tasha has already met up with Mom's previous Sibes Taltia and LadyGray (aka DoodleBug) and the rest of our furiends already there -
She's khwite a girl - the day Mom spotted me at THAT place, she saw her in me!
I'll do my bet to kharry on her spirit and legacy fur as long as I khan!
Khyra and Khyra's Mom
That is so beautiful, and we will go over there right now. Truly lovely, prosaic piece and we will also look for her star.
Hugs xo
Sammie and family
So sad to heat the news.. I will be watching for the bright star tonight.. Run free little one.. Hugs GJ x
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Kyrye. She was so beautiful. This is such a lovely tribute... I'm starting to cry! I really hope Kyrye's family are all right, we'll keep them in our prayers.
OH, how beautiful and how very appropriate. We are in tears here, just rolling down the face. It has been a tough year for so many of us. Khyra and her Mom have been there everytime for everyone, now it is our time to support them. Our paws are crossed in honor of Kyrye. We are sure she is running free now with all of our beloved furbabies. Our hearts go out to Khyra and our good friend Phyll.
Hugs, Phantom, Thunder, and Kathie
A lovely tribute to this beautiful dog.
We will go visit Khyra and share our sympathy with her.
We miss the Belgians!
Good bye Kyrye.
We have been so hurting for Phyll and Khyra since hearing of Kyrye's turn last week. Such a beautiful Sibe and we have asked our Nikita to meet her at the bridge and provide a very special escort.
That was a lovely tribute.
More tears, for another beautiful sibe soul has crossed. Wow, that poem is awesome, mom says that's a keeper. Beautiful tribute to Kyrye. Our candle is lit for her tonight.
a-roos to yous
jack a-roo
That is a beautiful poem. We are so sorry to hear that it was time for Kyrye to leave. We stopped by Khyra's blog to leave some hugs.
love & wags,
Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute for Kyrye.
Kisses and hugs
We were so sad to hear about Kyrye's passing. But, she had a long, and happy life and was VERY loved. May she wear her silver harness with pride.
Godspeed sweet, beautifyl Kyrye.
Holly and Khady
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