First - we apologize for our assistant's lack of time management skills. For some reason, she seems to think that blogging is not at the top of her list of things to do.
Second - thanks to everyone for my barkday wishes!!!
Here are some of the videos and pics that Dad took when we went to the dog park on Monday.
We had the park to ourselves
Princess Eva always has a thick coat but during the winter, she has enough fur for at least two more dogs
Brice likes to get snow on his snooter
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Barkday at the Dog Park
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
7:50 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
Eva's Barkday!!!!
Today is Princess Eva's 6th birthday!!!!!
Sadly, Momma is at work so she can't help us celebrate but Dad stayed home with us today. We know that there will be special treats involved but not sure what else.
We hope to be back later with a more current picture if blogger will cooperate.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:52 AM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another star will shine tonight
We'll be lighting a candle tonight in Kyrye's honor and watching for her star.

Message From Valhalla
and as my soul left my body and I looked down and saw you crying,
I wanted so much to tell you that I understood. You did this for me.
I tried to tell you in my own way that it was time for me to leave,
and I thank you for understanding. No other will take my place,
but those I left behind will need your love and affection as I have had.
You still think of me, and there are times you try to hide your tear-filled eyes....
but happy and think not of sadness,
but of how I made you happy and made you laugh at the funny and smart things I did.
There are no fences in Valhalla, for no one has the desire to "dig out".
There are no thunderstorms in Valhalla, therefore fear is never present.
There are no fights in Valhalla. Everyone is congenial.
There is no hunger. There is no thirst. There is much to explore.
Many of us who are older take care of the little ones and guide them.
It's fun watching them run with their ears flopping and their curly tails wagging.
We have four seasons in Valhalla, and most of us agree, winter is our favorite.
So you see, my loved one, I am very happy...
When it comes time for my friends to leave,
I will meet them at the gates of Valhalla,
and I will acquaint them with this beautiful and serene place,
and I will take care of them for you.
Thank you for loving me, caring for me, and having the courage to let me go with dignity.
Jane S. Morris
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:00 AM
Friday, November 20, 2009
This is a wolfhound? Are you sure?

Woof ya later,
p.s. Princess Eva prefers to nap in her cave (kennel) which does not allow for napping pics.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:18 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Please help!
I know that we have a lot of anonymous readers in MN and Iowa.
We really need your help.
If any of you do rescue transports or would like to donate your time to help save lives by transporting dogs and puppies from Missouri to no-kill shelters in Minnesota , please contact me at and I will connect you with the transport coordinators that I work with. All that you need is a few hours of your time and a vehicle and in return, you get the warm fuzzy feeling that you helped save a life.
We usually don't blog about our volunteer efforts (we save that for Facebook) but there are two large transports for a total of over 50 dogs coming up from Missouri shelters this weekend and there are not enough drivers. If more drivers are not found, these transports will fail and the dogs and puppies will be left in the shelters for at least another week.
Transport driving is very easy and the feeling that you get from helping save these dogs is very rewarding.
Here are some of the transport legs that need to get filled.
Beginning Location - Ending Location - Drive Time - # Miles - Scheduled Transport Time
St Louis, MO to Warrenton, MO 1 hour 3 minutes 57.8 Miles 11:15 AM – 12:20 PM
Warrenton, MO to Columbia, MO 1 hour 5 minutes 69 miles 12:55 PM – 2:00 PM
Columbia, MO to Marshall Junction, MO 48 minutes 51 miles 2:30 PM to 3:20 pm
Olathe, KS - Bethany, MO 1 hour, 25 minutes 90 miles 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Bethany, MO – Des Moines, IA 1 hour 47 minutes 104 miles 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Des Moines, IA – Clear Lake, IA 1 hour 43 mins 113 miles 12:50 pm to 2:45 pm
Clear Lake, IA – Owatanna, MN 1 hour 4 mins 70 miles 3:15 pm to 4:20 pm
Owatanna, MN - Bloomington/Brooklyn Center 55 minutes 55 miles 4:50 pm to 5:50 pm
(This is the transport leg that I drive and I'll be helping save 2 wolfhound mixes and a shepherd mix but if you have a small vehicle, there are lots of little dogs on this transport too)
If you live along this transport route and can help, please let us know.
Princess Eva, Bricey and their Momma
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:47 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
On vacation
Due to an issue with our regular laptop, we're taking a blog vacation for a while. Momma's old laptop has been dusted off but it runs really slow. We'll try to get access to read your blogs but we may not be able to comment and hope to be back with a new post in a few weeks. Please don't forget us!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:13 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Snow Day
It started snowing early this morning and is suppose to continue all day. We love to play in the snow so we turned our puppy-dog eyes to Momma and she resisted. Brice knew what to do - he started shaking pillows and shredding paper and she caved! Loaded us up and off we went to our favorite dog park.
We're hoping for another trip when Dad gets home from work.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:44 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Do you see what we see?
It's not much.......
It will be gone before long........
But our first snow of the season......
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:18 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
It's been raining everyday but we did sneak out to the park during a break in the rain.
Woof ya later!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:45 PM
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Momma was tired of our fur showing on the boring foyer rug. So she got us one that matches our personalities and our fur.She tried to find a cheetah print that would match Eva's crate pad but had to go with tiger stripes.
Woof ya later!
Brice the Big Game Hunter
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:45 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Since not everypup can use our PSA from our earlier post, we found the following video for how to do pet CPR.
Since our mom could panic in this situation, she practiced finding our pulse today.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:45 PM
Lazy Rainy Days and a PSA
We've had a few gray & rainy days so we have not had any adventures in the past few days. Momma got tired of rescuing the sofa pillows from me so she put them away. That made me so sad because I love to shake them! Meany Momma told me to settle down and take a nap. Thankfully, I'm big enough to use the arm of the sofa as a pillow! But the sun is shining today so I'm nipping at Momma's heels to take us to the park to run off some pent up energy.
In the current economy, we wanted to share with you several ways to save money on some of your medical needs. We do like to shop local and support our vet, but there are times that getting medications at our vet cuts into our treat and toy budget. Were you aware that many of your dog and cat prescriptions can be filled at a regular pharmacy for less? There are online options too but they would include a shipping cost. Plus the convenience of having the prescription filled while your parents do their other shopping.
Publix will fill your prescription for some antibiotics for free!
Walgreens includes pet prescriptions in their Prescription Savings Club. There is a fee for this program but this includes 400 generics priced at $12 for a 90 day supply. Plus many Walgreens are open 24/7
Walmart also has a list of generics priced at $10 for a 90 day supply. This may be a good option for those of you on Prednisone.
These are just some of the options. So have your parents check with pharmacies in your area...... and suggest that they spend some of their savings on a new toy for you!
Woof ya later!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:30 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Our weekend
Note from Momma - If you know someone that could provide an active foster home for a Belgian in need or would like to adopt one of these amazing dogs, please contact ABMC Belgian Malinois Rescue via their website.

Our Momma was suppose to be doing a transport of her own on Saturday but her portion was cancelled so she took us to the park instead.

We think she may have been an Akita with a Terv coat.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva & Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:15 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
A new experience
As we've shared before, Momma and Dad try to make sure that we're exposed to lots of different environments and experiences. This weekend, we went to the Renaissance Fair. There were lots of other dogs there because it was PetFest weekend but we didn't see any other Belgians. We were on our best behavior because Momma says that we have to be good ambassadors for the breed.-no barking, pulling or stealing food.
(you can expand this pic and see the tip of Brice's snooter stretching towards his new friend)
Brice was giving the sheep and goats play bows and tried to whap one on the head
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:30 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Brice's New Toy

Eva was just waiting to nip my rear when I wasn't paying attention.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:08 PM
FYI- Canine Cancer Podcast
The American Kennel Club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation are pleased to debut the next podcast in the Genome Barks series.
The Genome Barks podcast series features lectures from the highly successful AKC-CHF Breeders Symposia and provides responsible breeders and pet owners an inside look at the work being done by the AKC and the AKC Canine Health Foundation.
American Kennel Club and AKC Canine Health Foundation Release Podcast about Canine Cancer Treatments [Thursday, September 10, 2009]
Genome Barks welcomes Dr. Jaime Modiano, a member of the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Modiano has spent the last 15 years of his career looking at the mechanisms that are responsible for the origin and progression of canine cancer. Dr. Modiano's current research focuses on better cancer therapies, singling out the canine immune system as a treatment for cancers that are in the process of spreading to various regions of the body.
New podcasts are released every two weeks and can be accessed from either the American Kennel Club website at or the AKC Canine Health Foundation website at - click on "Podcasts." They are also available on Apple's iTunes® or directly at
Click here to listen to the podcasts.
We haven't listened to it yet but it is on our "to do" list especially since we lost our Tasha and Tia to cancer.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
p.s. the podcasts can be sorta boring but occasionally there is something interesting.
p.s.s. we'll be back later this morning with something more fun
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:45 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
How Brice keeps cool
Last summer we shared the pics and video of Brice and the sprinkler. Today we're going to share what Momma tries to avoid every time that she puts water in our pool.
Woof ya later!
Princess Eva
p.s. We are careful that he doesn't get too much water since that can be dangerous
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:00 PM