Fashion Accessories.

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:08 AM
Hi furkids, Tasha reporting today! I tell ya, sometimes humans ask the STUPIDEST questions.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:21 PM
Sorry Pippa, Blogger is acting up again so there are no pictures today. Ask Mistress to show you the pictures that we sent while she reads this post to you.
Tasha started having a little cough and had to go see the evil man in the blue coat on Friday. He doesn't think it's kennel cough but just a "upper respiratory infection". So she has to take big pink and blue pills for the next week. She obviously forgot that we need to use this for greater things. Momma and Dad just hand her the pill and she swallows it. No peanut butter, no livergreat, nothing!! I am so disappointed in her.
With a heavy sigh,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:27 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:35 AM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:09 PM
Hi everypup, Eva here. This post is going to turn into a shameless plug for dad's new camera. If your humans are thinking about getting a new camera to take beautiful pictures of you, dad HIGHLY recommends the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18. It has a 18X optical zoom lens by Leica (a very respected maker of camera lenses), image stabilization, face (or muzzle) detection, and all kinds of settings from automatic where the camera figures out all the settings to totally manual if your humans are into that. The digital equivalent of the zoom in 35 mm speak is 28mm to 504 mm zoom. Without further barking, here are some of the latest pictures of us.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:51 AM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:24 PM
Tasha here - Friday morning, Momma loaded us up in the DUV and took us to meet Tory from DogPad. They loaded us into the back of Tory's DUV and off we went to DogPad. Eva was a scaredy pup and drooled on me the whole way. You have to understand, we are not crated in our DUV but we were crated together in a big box in Tory's. It was a scary new experience for us. All we knew was that we weren't with our Momma anymore and we didn't know where we were going. Once we got there there were so many dogs and everyone was so excited there was movement and noise everywhere. I was OK with it because there were so many new pups and things to smell. But Eva likes everything to be calm. So Tory spent a long time spending individual time with Eva and introduced her to each dog one at a time. Eva did interact a little more in the afternoon. Later on we were put back in Tory's DUV and taken back to the meeting place for Momma to pick us up. We were so happy to see Momma but we were so tired that when we go home we took a good long nap. After all we did miss at least 3 or 4 or 5 naps.
Momma - I think it was too much for Eva. Especially the being crated in a strange vehicle and not knowing what was going on. I'm going to try it again but dropping and picking up the girls at Dogpad. That might created less trama for the girls. I hear it was quite an ordeal to get the girls out of and back into her SUV. I have to admit that it reminded of two things - custody exchange at a neutral location and watching your kids get on the bus for school for the very first time. I have to admit that I got a little misty.
Sorry Darling Pippa - No pictures but Momma did buy a new camera today so hopefully there will be a excessive amount of pix later this week just for you.
Belly rubs,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
9:25 PM
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
3:50 AM
Tasha here. I'm going to do this post since I've been here the longest.
When I first came to live with my people, Dad had a rule: no dogs on the furniture. He had grown up on a farm where the dogs weren't allowed in the house so I thought as long as I live in the house, I can live with the furniture rule. Then Dad went to Germany for a few weeks and Momma modified the rule while he was gone. I could be on their bed but no other furniture. The years roll by and many hours are spent on the beds. They have to lift me on and off the bed now due to my arthritis. Eva is the typical Belgian pogo stick so she doesn't need any help.
So today, Momma had an unexpected day off. Something about the roads being slushy ice and highways being a parking lot. (Momma - 4 miles took 40 minutes, with 13 more to go I gave up and went home). She decided to spend some extra special 1:1 time with us so she put a blanket on the couch and snuggled with each of us for a while. Lots of ear and belly rubs. Lots of snoses. We have her so well trained.
Edited to clarify- Yes, we were on the couch. The blanket was for easy removal of the evidence since obviously we have quite a bit of multi-colored fur and like to leave it everywhere we go.
No pictures due to our need to deny this ever occured.
Belly rubs,
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
6:16 PM