Two years ago in a small town in Nebraska, the "Love" litter of Tervs was born. The "Silver" boy in the litter was none other than our Brice. Through a series of events, Brice came to live with us 7 months ago. Momma likes to think that Tasha had something to do with that.
Since Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this weekend, Brice got his barkday present last night and proceeded to put a hole in it 5 minutes later.
Here is a little clip of Brice with his barkday present! Sorry about the bad lighting but they forgot to think about that until it was too late.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Barkday Bricey Boy!
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:04 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Only if I have to......
You've seen similar pictures before (like the last post) but this happens several times a day. Usually Momma tells him to leave me alone.
My paw on her neck? just happened to land there.
See what I have to put up with! Thank Dog that Momma is here to protect me.
Princess Eva
P.S. from Momma - I think the Princess secretly likes the attention and if anyone wants to learn how to do some of the changes we made (collapsible widgets, tabs etc), there are a lot of tips at and other sites listed in our "Blog Format Tips" widget on our sidebar.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:18 AM
Monday, January 26, 2009
We're back again.
Momma says she's done tweaking our blog for a few days. She says that it started because she was feeling restless so she's been researching Brice's pedigree and learning how to do some new things with our blog.
Here are the highlights
- There are "tabs" at the top. Some will lead to sub-pages for our blog (About Us, Belgian Breed Info) and some lead to other websites (DWB, Merck Vet Manual, Petfinder). She's going to add more in the future for photos, video etc
- There are side-bar widgets that expand and collapse
- Coding is in place so our blog should shrink or expand to fit your screen
- Added our Mission -Do what we can, where we can. But Brice seems to think that this applies to nibbling on books in addition to helping pups in need.
- Changed to Terv colors, borders, streamlined the look
Woof ya later,
Princess Eva
P.S. Please let us know if you can see all of Eva's picture in the header. The header is coded to shrink and expand as needed but someone has reported that she can only see the upper left quarter of the picture.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
11:03 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Momma was fixing some of the code on our blog so that it would automatically fit your screen and messed some things up. Our blog roll got deleted. :-(
As long as she has to fix that, she's decided to revamp our look again and is working on some cool new features (paws crossed that they work - so far they are). We should be totally back online by Monday.
Let us know if you want to be on our blog roll since we don't trust her to recreate our old one.
With a heavy sigh and a roll of the alien eyes,
Princess Eva & Brice
P.S. If you know any really good pet health related sites, let us know so that we can provide links.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:24 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A rug and a Thank You!
Dad thought we should share a picture of the rug at the end of Momma and Dad's bed. Do you notice that most of the damage is not the edge of the rug? He's getting better but sometimes Brice likes to gnaw the middle of the rug at night.
Yesterday, the postal delivery person dropped off a very special package addressed to me and The Boy. Somepup and their mom had two very beautiful Terv ornaments made for us.
He like to carry both around the house and most have a hole or 2 in them.
Momma actually cried happy tears when she opened the box. There isn't a lot of Terv items available "out there" and that our friends had these made for us made them extra special. We'll treasure them always. And yes, they will be kept out where Brice can't get to them.
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:42 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009
It's Time For.................
Then MFT 's mom told our momma that MFT was in the backyard snacking on a bone so we asked Momma if we could do a little "teeth cleaning"too. Please ignore our goofy momma's talking.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:30 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"Sea kittens" are tasty!
We had some of the Mahi Mahi variety last night and we get "Sea Kitten Oil" every morning.
That's all,
Princess Eva
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:51 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
One of our resolutions for the year was "do what you can, where you can". Our city has a limit of 2 dogs per household so we can't adopt a new dog but there are other ways to help. Volunteer your time, donate supplies or money, help with rescue transports and share information.
We saw that Hill's Science Diet will be paying the adoption fees for 3000 cats and dogs from participating shelters on January 24. Shelter adoption fees can range from $10 to more that $300.
Get involved in CHANGE A PET'S LIFE DAY and open your home to a pet. The first ten adoptions at participating Hill's partner shelters are free on January 24, 2009. New pet owners will also receive a starter kit that includes free Hill's® Science Diet® pet food and tips to give their adopted cat or dog the best start in their new life.
Participating shelters can be found at
News article here
If you have room in your life for a new family member, please consider adoption. If you do take advantage of this program, feel free to spend the amount of the adoption fee on new toys to welcome your new family member to the pack. :-)
Woof ya later,
Princess Eva & Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
10:26 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Of course, the day after we complain that we have nothing to post about, we come up with three things.
1st - If you know anyone who has or is planning on getting a new pup, you can share this link with them. For the rest of this month, you can download for free the book "AFTER You Get Your Puppy". We have not read the entire book but did see some good suggestions in the parts that we did read.
2nd - King Skyboy of the Kingdom of Siberians has received some snow. But Queen Meeshka of Merryland and co-ruler of the Kingdom of Siberians is still snowless. In the interest of diplomatic relations between their lands and Belgium, we dedicate the following video to Queen Meeshka and extend an invitation to Her Majesty and her subjects (and everypup else) to come play in MinneSNOWda.
3rd - Brice is demonstrating a new sport called "Snow Catch" aka "helping Momma shovel the deck". Momma could make snowballs like Thor and Marco's mom does but honestly, she's too lazy. If the attachment isn't working, you can also see it at
It's been snowing often but it is not very deep. The Weather Wheel predicts 2-4 additional inches of snow today.
Off to buy livergreat,
Princess Eva & Brice, the Duke of Destruction
P.S. The neighbor's dogs always bark at us when we go outside.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:30 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Post #300
Eva: Hey Boy, Guess what?
Brice: I'm so handsome.....just look at me. Look at those ears, those eyes!
Eva: Pay attention!
Brice: What??
Eva: This is post 300!! And we didn't plan anything exciting. No special activities, new toys, visitors. Nothing!
Brice: Hmmm......well............ Normally outside, we wrestle and do zoomies together. But Momma is a wimp about being out in the cold weather so we don't have a lot of new outside pictures. When we're in the house, you're snuggling next to Dad on the couch and I'm playing or snuggling with Momma. We could show a picture where we're both laying on the floor and "behaving" since it is a rare occurrence.
Eva: It is rather embarrassing that all our friends are so well behaved and I have to put up with you.
I promise that we'll have a better plan for post #400.
Princess Eva & Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:30 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Snow for you!
We were snuggled up with Momma discussing the pups that don't have snow and those to the east, south and west that are whining about it. Naturally, I'm excluding a bewootiful redhead and her family in KS from the whining description since they are just hoping for snow. :-)
We thought about fake snow but don't like use of chemicals since many are not safe for pups. We came up with the answer. Grab your human's plastic and head to this link
We just sayin'
Princess Eva
P.S. Just looked outside and saw a few flakes coming down.....again.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
12:01 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
What's your dinner routine?
Princess Eva & Brice
P.S. In case you're wondering, dinner tonight was our kibble mixed with Evanger's canned chicken, green beans and topped with a sprinkle of shredded cheese.
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
1:40 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Traitors and it was Dad's barkday
Last Saturday, after leaving us alone for hours, our people came home smelling like 1500 other dogs. Apparently, they went to a dog show where they confirmed that we are the cutest dogs on the planet.
Since their world does revolve around us, they did bring us home gifts.

Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
5:18 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
May the new year be filled with peace and joy and good health
May your days be filled with healthy food, treats, playtime and toys
May your nights be spent in a safe place to sleep and dream
May your people be kind and compassionate and never be too busy to rub your belly.
But don't forget those who need our help to find their way home or have never had a home like yours or felt a kind hand. Do what you can, where you can.
Best Wishes for all,
Princess Eva & Brice
Woofed by
Princess Eva and Brice
8:29 AM